GLTTC Fundraiser Successful

From: "GLTTC members" <info@PROTECTED>
Subject: GLTTC Fundraiser Successful
Date: May 5th 2020

Greetings Green Lake Table Tennis Center players.

It's been too long since we've gotten to play, and there is no news yet about when we will start again. At a time like this, I'm happy to be able to share some good news. We have surpassed our fundaising goal. 55 of you have donated a total of $5740! Thank you from all of us. This success is bigger than all the new equipment we will be buying. We have shown Seattle Parks and Recreation that we are a significant program with a dedicated community.

Seattle Parks and Recreation is moving forward with plans for the replacement of the Green Lake Community Center and
Evans Pool. There will be two online events where the public is invited to share their opinions. You are all welcome to participate. Visit or view the poster, (isn't that Chong and his student in the picture?) As the process proceeds to the design phase, the GLTTC will have a stronger voice because of your generosity.

Until we get to play again, you can connect with each other on our Facebook group,

Check out some of Xu Xin's great points, As a last resort, there's always RoomPong,


Gold - $200 to $500

Charles Piecuch, Dom Saller, Imran Aziz, Fred Coutts, Kim Goldov, Liana Li, Ann Onomous, Ann Onomous,

Silver - $100 to $150

Paul Tomlinson, Miguel Beltran, Ken Chun, Diane Davison, Joseph Kalmar, Raman Kanaplianik, Karen Lam, Jon Larkowski, Bryan Lee, Rodney Lock, Raymond Lock, Rosco Lock, Phung Ly, Cynthia Marquette, William Parnell, Mike Peter, Michael Shapiro, Chetan Sorab, Hye Suk Chin, Maolong Tang, Thomas Veatch, Alex Voronin, Yu Yan,

Bronze - $20 to $90

Chong Chen, Ashish Chaudhary, Donald Deibert, Justin Faulkner, Pamela Jeffcoat, Jose Luis Jimenez Calsin, Bing Liu, Zhiyun Ma, Roy Sears, Pradyumna Sure, Juan Guariray, Fernando Mendoza, Ann Onomous, Michael Rosen, Nathan Stotts, Ann Onomous, Yuen Fung Mak, Side Li, Sophia Liu, Michael Rosen, Douglas Speers, Joe Thompson, Alan Duran

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Green Lake Table Tennis Center

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