Thank you to everyone who participated in our kanban table tennis match scheduling system at the Green Lake Community Center. Unfortunately, the community center has ordered us to stop using the system. They have told us that use of kanban violates the staff's union contract, third-party software usage is not permitted, and it is not compatible with SPR's low-bar drop-in programs. We find some of these concerns to be questionable, however this decision was made by SPR's upper management.
GLCC coordinator, Jewels Jugum, raised the possibility that Tuesday nights could be converted to a fee-based program with the community center running the kanban software. Jewels said that the fee would be reasonable, and funds could be redirected back into the table tennis program. Also, since we are still trying to find a way to reestablish our 9 weekend hours, it might be helpful to have an agreement in place for kanban. Players could pay quarterly or monthly with a discounted cost, or just on the Tuesday that they come to play.
Roughly 90% of the players present last Tuesday were in favor of a fee-based program for Tuesday nights that would allow kanban to return. Over 600 people have played on Tuesday nights since the pandemic and have used the kanban system. We would like to know your thoughts.
-- You can write directly to GLCC Coordinator, Jewels Jugum at Jewels.Jugum@PROTECTED
-- You can write or CC GLTTC volunteers at kanban@PROTECTED
-- You can join the WhatsApp kanban discussion group at
More information about our situation can be found at and
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